This summer four cousins and myself are cruising the Caribbean. I was thinking of how I would be able to make sure they were bringing everything they NEEDED and things they would kinda need. A list is the only logical way to do this. And by having it online they can reference it whenever they need. Some things are grouped together under one item number because I consider them of equal importance and should be together when packing
- Passport, Driver's License, Insurance card
- Women's hygiene products if needed
- Deodorant, Hair care products you prefer, pony tail wrappers
- Swim suit more than one is preferable... no one likes putting on a wet one
- Beach towel
- Snorkel, mask
- Sun Screen
- Sodas, Cooler, plastic cups
- Extra SD cards, Batteries, Camera
- Clothes!
Notes to the cousins: Since you are all flying here to TX I will be providing the Sun Screen, Shampoo, and Conditioner. We will be getting sodas locally for our car pool to the launch. Think about how many days you will be here in TX and how many days we will be cruising when packing... bring enough delicates. The cruise line says the salty air will make you swell and elastic pants/waistbands are your friends. I plan on wearing many dresses.
Notes to the readers: At this point I have never been on a cruise before so... I hope my list covers it all LOL. If you are an experienced cruiser and have things that you think should be on the list... please let me know! I plan on posting again to possibly revise or praise my list.
More info:
When you cruise, you often road trip.
Over at Ask the Organizing Diva she talks about how to organize for that!
10 Tips for Preparing for Your Vacation when Traveling by Car

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